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8. Structurally Deformed Mos For Electrochemically Stable, Thermally Resistant, And Highly Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. Advanced Materials 2017, 29, 1703863.
8. Structurally Deformed Mos For Electrochemically Stable, Thermally Resistant, And Highly Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. Advanced Materials 2017, 29, 1703863.
B 12. Stable Graphene-Two-Dimensional Multiphase Perovskite Heterostructure Phototransistors With High Gain. Nano Letters 2017, 17, 7330 - 7338.
B 12. Stable Graphene-Two-Dimensional Multiphase Perovskite Heterostructure Phototransistors With High Gain. Nano Letters 2017, 17, 7330 - 7338.
B 12. Stable Graphene-Two-Dimensional Multiphase Perovskite Heterostructure Phototransistors With High Gain. Nano Letters 2017, 17, 7330 - 7338.
B2. Electrocatalysts: Guided Evolution Of Bulk Metallic Glass Nanostructures: A Platform For Designing 3D Electrocatalytic Surfaces (Adv. Mater. 10/2016). Advanced Materials 2016, 28, 1902 - 1902.
Bulk Metallic Glass Nanowire Architecture For Electrochemical Applications. ACS NanoACS Nano 2011, 5, 2979-83.
Development And Electrochemical Studies Of Membrane Electrode Assemblies For Polymer Electrolyte Alkaline Fuel Cells Using Faa Membrane And Ionomer. Journal of Power SourcesJournal of Power Sources 2013, 230, 169-175.
Fuel Cell Performance And Characterization Of 1-D Carbon-Supported Platinum Nanocomposites Synthesized In Supercritical Fluids. Journal of CatalysisJournal of Catalysis 2008, 259, 5-16.
A High Power Density Miniaturized Microbial Fuel Cell Having Carbon Nanotube Anodes. Journal of Power Sources 2015, 273, 823-830.
Palladium Nanostructures From Multi-Component Metallic Glass. Electrochimica ActaElectrochimica Acta 2012, 74, 145-150.
Pd–Ni–Cu–P Metallic Glass Nanowires For Methanol And Ethanol Oxidation In Alkaline Media. International Journal of Hydrogen EnergyInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2013, 38, 11248-11255.
Scalable Fabrication Of Multifunctional Freestanding Carbon Nanotube/polymer Composite Thin Films For Energy Conversion. ACS NanoACS Nano 2012, 6, 1347-56.
Silver Palladium Core–Shell Electrocatalyst Supported On Mwnts For Orr In Alkaline Media. Applied Catalysis B: EnvironmentalApplied Catalysis B: Environmental 2013, 138-139, 285-293.
Silver Palladium Core–Shell Electrocatalyst Supported On Mwnts For Orr In Alkaline Media. Applied Catalysis B: EnvironmentalApplied Catalysis B: Environmental 2013, 138-139, 285-293.
Tunable Hierarchical Metallic-Glass Nanostructures. Advanced Functional Materials 2013, 23, 2708-2713.